Friday, April 16, 2010

A new project!

So I fell off the face of blogging for a bit(EEP!) but I'm back now and will try to keep up with this xD Thank you to all my watchers who haven't vanished! I promise I'll do better from now on.

So anyways, I'm writing today to spread the word about the new fund raiser I have going on!

Recently we have been hashing out the details for making high quality, acrylic jewelry featuring our Octobloops.

After a lot of research(and help from my mum, thanks Mom!) we stumbled across a charity called "Kick Starter" that helps Indie artists start up fund raising projects to get their artistic endeavors off the ground.

Project home:

The goal is $1,500 by June 1st, 2010. If we are successful we will be able to produce a minimum of 10 designs to be made into; Rings, Cell phone straps, hair pins, necklaces, earrings and more! I am EXTREMELY excited about this prospect and am really hopeful that it will be a success.

There are gifts for each donation tier which you will receive for donating. The items are matched up with donation amounts in such a way that it is essentially a pre-order without the cost of shipping!

Please have a look and if you are interested, your donations are greatly appreciated! Be the first to have some awesomely amazing Octobloop swag <3 Even if you can't donate or would prefer not, that's totally cool too! I'm thankful to any re-posting/word of mouth advertisement I can get for it. This is the first really huge art endeavor I'm taking and admittedly, it's scares me. I have a huge fear of failure but at the same time, I've met so many amazingly awesome artists that took steps even though they were afraid. It gives me a lot of hope.

I'm hoping that by the end of this, I'll have a wonderful story to tell and intend to frequent the site in search of other projects to donate to.

Thanks for looking everyone!


Saffron Panda Amigurumi said...

Hi there! Good luck with the fund raising.

I had to stop by and ask about your profile picture. Did you create it yourself? It is so cute!

~*~Aria~*~ said...

Thank you! We're at 11%, just gotta keep at it and we'll make the goal :3

My boyfriend drew it actually. He's my graphic artist and drew a pic of me for my avatars :3 He did a really good job on it!

Suzie Ridler said...

Aria, I am so glad that you found my blog tidy, that means a lot to me. I despite clutter! I hope to get back to seasonal food soon, life has been insane lately but I can't wait for the blackberry and blueberry season to kick in and get creative with food. I darkened the text of my banner and agree, it pops much more now. Thanks for your advice and help!


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